How do I know the status of my order?
The exact delivery date of your order depends on the product you purchased and the date of purchase.
You should have received a confirmation email from us with all the delivery details immediately after you completed your order.
As manufacturing progresses, you’ll receive additional email updates updating you the status of your order. This way you’ll know exactly when we’ll be shipping to you and you’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at the production processes and meet the people who make your product.
Please check your spam folder, social tab, or promotions tab in case you haven’t received our notifications.
If you wish to contact a customer service specialist for a detailed order status, we are available Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm EST. We have a live chat here on our website, and our toll-free phone number is 1-844-423-2538. You can also contact us via email by filling out this form.
Here at Beckett Simonon, we work with a made-to-order (MTO) business model, meaning that every product you order is handcrafted, especially for you. You can see all the benefits of our business model in detail here.